Welcome to the Kangaroo Club!
A UK registered charity, set up to support anyone with an Ileo-Anal pouch or a Koch pouch, anyone considering Ileo-Anal pouch surgery or Koch pouch surgery and supporters.
Informal Zoom Discussion Group
The Kangaroo Club's next informal Zoom discussion group, is on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 7:30 p.m.
All with a pouch, or an interest in pouches (including those considering surgery and supporters of anyone either with a pouch or considering a pouch), are welcome to attend. The discussions are relaxed and informal, led by what those attending want to discuss - sometimes this is a specific issue and sometimes it is just a chat with people who really know what it’s like.
For more information and to sign up to join the discussion, please click here: Zoom Catch-Ups
Information Days
The Kangaroo Club aims to hold annual information days in Oxford, UK, at which we welcome anyone with a pouch, or an interest in pouches (those considering surgery for example) and supporters of ‘pouchees’. Every year is slightly different, but we generally have presentations from surgical and nursing professionals knowledgeable about pouches, as well as more informal sessions focused on living your life with a pouch.
Our information day 2024 was held on 12th October and was an excellent day, with interesting and informative speakers and a friendly welcoming feel.
“You always organise brilliant days with such a wide range of expert speakers. Thank you so much.”
“This is the first one I have been to and it felt a really nice and welcoming space, I am glad that I came.”
“Really informative and enjoyable.”
The presentations were recorded and will be available to listen to shortly.
Our next information day will be taking place in October 2025. As soon as the date is agreed it will be posted here.
Salts Healthcare - Would Like Your Help
A generous sponsor of the Kangaroo Club, Salts Healthcare would love to hear from anyone interested in getting involved with anything from their initial research, to the development of their products.
Salts Healthcare is one of the UK’s oldest, family-run companies, established in 1701. For more about them please go to: About Us/Salts Healthcare.
For more information on their Get Involved project, please click here: Get Involved (Salts)
The Kangaroo Club holds annual Information Days, covering a full range of topics.
For details of our 2024 Information Day and to sign up, please click here.
For write-ups/audio of previous years, please click here.
Register to join our next relaxed and informal online discussion. Everyone with a pouch, or an interest in pouches, is welcome to attend.
If you are in need of support at any time, join our private Facebook group - Kangaroo Club Pouch Support Group - a supportive community with a wealth of knowledge!
“Thank you for being on hand to answer questions and help find answers.”
“Very reassured going forward with my pouch into old age!”
“Always interested in what the Kangaroo Club produces and appreciate all the work you all put in.”